Bella Dancerella Cheerleader Studio
You looking to find the "Bella Dancerella Cheerleader Studio" Good news! You can purchase Bella Dancerella Cheerleader Studio with secure price and compare to view update price on this product. And deals on this product is available only for limited time.Price: $55.00
Product Feature
- Includes Bella's 30 minute Cheer Along VHS, 1 set of Cheerleader pom poms, and a Bella Twirling Baton.^No expensive lessons, Bella will guide you through all you need to know.^Cheer moves are fun and easy to learn with this step by step instructional video.^Impress your friends with your new moves.^
Product Description
B-E-L-L-A! Learn to cheer the Bella way! Bella knows you have spirit! She'll teach you to dance and move like a real cheerleader set to energy filled original Bell music.Bella Dancerella Cheerleader Studio Review
This is not quite what I was expecting - I'm not sure why they even have the mat, since it contributes nothing and the moves on the dvd have nothing to do with the mat. Overall, I felt this was way overpriced just for useless plastic mat and dvd. Also, the video instructions really go too fast for my 4 year old and ends up just frustrating her until she quits. They need to at least have a beginner and intermediate mode or something.Most of the consumer Reviews tell that the "Bella Dancerella Cheerleader Studio" are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from Bella Dancerella Cheerleader Studio ...
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