Jmt Nimh Battery Charger - 5 7 Akku Battery Intelligent Charger - Measuring Resistance Charger - Black Bm200
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Product Feature
- Visual digital display --
- Capacity detection intelligent charger
- Add 3 big window: quick test (battery internal resistance test);
- F our independent charging channel; Humanized design: take a backlight.
- This product has passed the CE (EMC + LVD) the authentication
Product Description
CPU design control conceptChargers, batteries, has overheating protection systemThe latest production version product is guaranteed for one year.Four kinds of work mode for the user choice: charge, discharge, repair, and capacity test and battery internalresistance test.Powerful charger can realize large current charge 1400 ma and discharge functionCan real-time detection of battery charge and discharge capacityHave test battery capacity function (charge test)Have the repair battery capacity functionBattery charging and discharging the parallel design approachLCD screen: it can display real-time 4 channel battery charging/discharging capacity, voltage, current, timeFor AA (LR6) and AAA (LR3) nickel cadmium or nimh batteries and designOffice and home use the ideal choice, charger working power supply for 12 v 1.5 A, use special DC switching power supplyFunction key1. MODE work model selection buttons2. DISPLAY the DISPLAY mode button3. CURRENT CURRENT working pattern size adjustment buttons4. SLOT, can adjust alone each channel work mode
Jmt Nimh Battery Charger - 5 7 Akku Battery Intelligent Charger - Measuring Resistance Charger - Black Bm200 Review
I was very impressed by the BM200 Intelligent Charger when I first received it. It appears to be a cross between the two advanced chargers I own (La Crosse BC1000 and PowerEx MH-C9000), by combining the best features from both:
- It resolved several limitations of the BC1000 (The BM200 is able to detect completely drained cells, able to adjust currents independently, etc.)
- It has an improved user-interface compared to the MH-C9000 (able to program all 4 cells at once, able to view all cell statuses, etc.)
- It added a function to measure internal resistance of batteries.
I really thought I have finally found my ultimate toy... I mean charger.
Unfortunately, there were some warning signs from the beginning. Cells being charged on the BM200 feel warmer to the touch compared to when charged at the same current on the BC1000. I also observed `thermal hiccup' when charging 4 cells at 800mA or 1000mA. By that I mean the charging current drops to zero when the cell gets too warm, and then resumes charging once the cell cools down. (The capacity reading is preserved, so unless the user is constantly watching the charging current, he may never notice this problem)
I used an infrared gun to measure the cell temperatures during charging at 1000mA. They reached about 60 degree C before thermal hiccup. The user instruction sheet did mention thermal protection will kick in when battery temperature reached 60 degree C, or when the circuit board reached 70 degree C. So it means the thermal protection function works as advertised. But when the same batteries were charged by the BC1000 at 1000mA, they stayed below 50 degree C. So why does the BM200 heat up my batteries more?
I removed the back cover of the BM200 and monitored the circuit board temperature during charging. There were several `hot spots' (around 70 degree C) right underneath the battery contacts. That means excessive heat from the circuit board is spread into my batteries through the metal contacts. This explains why the cell temperatures became higher than usual. In comparison, the BC1000 circuit board also has several hot spots, but they were vented away from the batteries and do not cause batteries to overheat.
The BM200 does work correctly when charging 2 cells at 1000mA, or 4 cells at 600mA. Even when charging 4 cells at 1000mA, the over-temperature protection does work correctly at 60 degree C (which is the safety cutoff temperature recommended by Duracell, for example). So I won't be an alarmist and call it a 'Fire Hazard'. On the other hand, I am very disappointed by the poor thermal design of the BM200, which severely limits its maximum charge current. That's why although the charger has all the cool features, I can only give it a 3-star neutral rating, meaning `It's Okay'.
[Update on July 22, 2013]
I received from the original vendor (DL Portable Power) an updated BM200. After testing the old and new units side-by-side, I can confirm that the updated unit does NOT suffer from thermal shutdown when charging 4 cells at 1000mA. However, the cell temperature I measured (using an IR gun) is still too high for comfort. The temperature reached around 55 degree C after 80 minutes of charging. After 130 minutes the temperature reached 58-60 degree C just before termination. So there is still excessive heat being conducted from the charger circuit board to the batteries.
In light of my new findings, I have upgraded my rating to 4 stars.
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